Feb 10, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Associate Professors

Note: For all faculty listings in this section of the catalog, the year when a faculty member joined the Academy staff follows each name. Other information includes the individual’s faculty rank, degrees earned, where obtained, professional licenses held, and military affiliation. In a department that includes more than one discipline, the faculty member’s area of specialization is indicated.

Superscripts used in this listing are:

1faculty member has received the Academy’s Vice Admiral Gordon McLintock Award for Exemplary Leadership
2faculty member has received the Academy’s Sue Alice McNulty Award for Distinguished Teaching.
3faculty member has received the Captain C.A. Prosser Award for Student Service.
4faculty member has held command at sea of an unlimited tonnage vessel.

Department Head

Michael E. Melcer (1996)
B.S., SUNY Stony Brook
M.S., Ph.D., SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry

Assistant Department Head

Nakeya Williams (2019)

Assistant Professor
B.S., Morgan State University
M.S., Ph.D., North Carolina State University


Jerry Doumas (1998)
B.S., Maryland
Ph.D., Texas A&M

Joshua S. Friedman (2005)
B.S., SUNY Binghamton
M.A., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook

Ping Furlan (2011)
B.S., University of Science and Technology of China
M.S., Ph.D., University of Connecticut

Alexander Retakh (2010)
Ph.D., Yale University

Associate Professors

Socrates Boussios (2016)
B.S., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook
Ph.D., Columbia

Daniel Fong (2014)
B.S., Ph.D., New Jersey Institute of Technology

Stephen Mulware (2023)
B.S./B.A., Kenyatta University
M.S., Ph.D., University of North Texas

Robert J. Ronkese (2013)
B.S., Union College
M.S., Northwestern University
Ph.D., University of Delaware

David Shinn (2010)
B.S., Univ of South Carolina
M.S., Univ of Hawaii
Ph.D., Emory University

Kimani Stancil (2015)
Ph.D., MIT

Assistant Professors

Nathaniel J. Cooper (2018)
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., CUNY SPS

Paul Serafino (2004)
B.S., Trinity College
Ph.D., Yale University


Laboratory Manager, Instructor

Pamela L. Bryant (2020)
(Chemisty, Laboratory Manager)
B.S., M.A., University of Texas Permian Basin
Ph.D., Louisiana State University
Post-Doc, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Professors Emeriti

Laurence M. Cassar (1967-2002)
B.S., M.S., St. John’s University
Ph.D., Adelphi

David Dellwo (1977-2014)
B.A., Carroll
B.S., M.S. D.E.S., Columbia

Albert Stwertka (1954-1995)
B.S., Bard College
M.A., Columbia
Ph.D., Adelphi

Charles F. Weber (1972-2017)
B.S. Manhattan
M.S., Ph.D., New York University






Christine Zwillick (2001)
Staff Assistant to the Head of Department